Imabari Daiichi Hotel

address 1-6-11, Minamidaimon-cho, Imabari
tel 0898-22-1320
Located near Imabari Station, this hotel is committed to serving customers and ensuring they are fully satisifed with their visit and return again. The hotel offers a number of brochures and information about Imabari and the Shimanami Kaido, as well as home-roasted coffee. (English level - basic comprehension.)
 ※ Kindly contact the lodging directly to confirm services and facilities as the information can change from time to time.
Services and facilities
Type   Details
Bicycle storage 自転車の保管 ○ Bikes can be parked near lobby entrance.
Bike delivery 受取・送出サービス ○ -
Repair and maintenance メンテナンス ○ Repairs possible in hotel's car parking lot near lobby entrance.
Use of shower outside business hours シャワー ○ Private facilities available in each guest room for use at any time.
Laundry ランドリー ○ -
Internet インターネット ○ -